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Monday 10 March 2014

Changing a Facebook Tab Image 111x74

Changing your Tab images on Facebook to 111 x 74 Pixels

Using Paint on your computer

I have a Facebook page for my little online shop and I wanted to add an image to my tabs for various links I have, but I needed to add 111 x 74 pixel images, which I had no idea how to make from my existing images.
And so with a lot of frustration and determination, I finally did it, and as there were no clear directions online, I thought it would be nice if I did a blog with images to try to help you to do your own.
So here it is......
Firstly, go to your page and click on the tab button to edit your tabs, it is shown here where the number 5 is...
When you have clicked on that, you should get all of your tabs shown on your page, in each tab top right hand corner is a pencil icon, choose which tab you would like to add your image to and click on the pencil icon for that tab, you can see the pencil icon in this image below. It is in the tab with the 'mailing list' title and 'notes' underneath it in my page.
Obviously your tab will look different and have a different title to it.
Once you have clicked on the pencil icon you will be given options, select 'Edit Settings'.
A new screen will open...

On some of the tabs you do not have and option to change your settings, the only option is to delete a link, do not do that, just leave it as it is, I am sorry but I can't help you with that.
But, with this tab here you can see that you can customize your tab name and your tab image, for the image we need to select 'change' highlighted in blue in the above image. This will open a new page like the one below...
Here you can see in my image for my blog tab is a 'Edit' icon, click on that,
You now have the option to choose an image from your computer to add to your tab, but here is the tricky bit... you are only able to add images that are 111 x 74 and less than 1Mb, so here we go with the editing of your image...
First, go to your files and choose an image that you would like to use, right click on it to bring up options...
Can you see here in mine, I have the option to 'open with' which opens more options and I want 'paint'.
Click 'paint' and your paint program will open with your chosen image loaded.
In your editing bar you have the option to 'Resize', select that....
The above image shows you the window that will pop up, in the top right hand corner of that box you can see I have selected 'Pixels', do that and then where it says 'Maintain aspect ratio' you need to UNTICK the box just like the image below...(are you still with me, or have you lost the will to live yet?)

See, no tick in the 'Maintain aspect ratio' box...good, now.....
Type 111 in the 'Horizontal' box and 74 in the 'Vertical' box and click 'OK'
Now to save your new image...

Your image will now be changed, click on the icon in the top left hand of the page (dark blue in the image above) which will open up the selection page as in the image above... click on 'Save as' and save it to a file that you have your images in. If I were you, I would save it under the name '111 x 74' just to make it easier to find for the next step.
Ok, Back to your Facebook page, you should still have this 'Upload Page Tab Image' tab open, now click on 'Choose file'.......go to your file named '111 x 74' and select it...
There is my image, under the file name '111 x 74', once you have selected it, you may have to wait for a moment while it is uploaded to your tab editor.
This is what you will see, not with this image of course as this is mine, but with your lovely new tab image, now you can go to your page and see your new image on your tab.

I hope this helped, please let me know if it did or did not, nice comments only please, I am trying to help, and as I am new to this, and by no means an expert, I hope that you will take this into account before you comment.

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